
January 28., 2022

Salesbook 2022

Dear relations,
With effect from February 1. 2022, we will use the new Sales Book. This can be downloaded via the link: Salesbook 2022.  You can request the sales book from us. Of course we would like te hear any comments and questions.
November 24., 2021

Customized floor channels

Available in 5 working days, ask us for the conditions!
November 23., 2021

Dirt scraper

The dirt scraper, an indispensable part of the dishwashing kitchen....

Now extra attractively priced, ask your dealer!
November 11., 2021

1 zone Induction Hold-Line

This Hold-Line 1-Basic (built-in) is now extra attractively priced, ask your dealer!

  • 380x380x81mm
  • 1kW
  • (7.10.360.019)
  • Also available with stainless steel flange
November 10., 2021

Istinto "Next Level" (deel 7)

Back wall with effect can delight your customer

Not the most difficult, not the most expensive, but one of the most beloved special plaster of the moment, Istinto by Giorgio Graesan. The men of Quality Interior Art apply this product to the back walls of kitchens, buffets or cabinets. In 1 layer or 7 layers, full of relief.
You can make bamboo with it, or rough stone look. First the structure, then the colour, the marble effect and the water-resistant finish.
November 9., 2021

Inducs Flex Front operation

This digital control with readout from INDUCS is available on
the INSTINCT HOB/WOK, the Complete COMPACTMODUL series (except FL) INSTALL-LINE.
November 8., 2021

Culion Floor Channels

Robust, heavy version in 2mm stainless steel 304 with a choice of a bottom or horizontal outlet.
Provided with:
>Large dirt sieve with handle
>Stink trap
>Height adjustable robust M10 threaded bolts (4x).
>Connection 75/76mm
July 23., 2021


{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg0\uc1\deff0\deflang0\deflangfe0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil Arial;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\fi0\li0\ql\ri0\sb0\sa0\itap0 \plain \f0\fs16\cf1 Hereby our newest member of the warming family. \par Our WHPL, which is prescribed in specifications and is popular among caterers. \par Now available in \plain \f0\b\fs16\cf1 Matt Black\plain \f0\fs16\cf1 . \par Not only indispensable, but also a piece of jewelry on your counter !\par}
July 22., 2021

"Next Level" (part 6)

Tables and furniture adapted to your custom kitchen or buffet, even in terms of finish!

In catering and project design, it is logical that the furniture is adapted to floors, walls and ceilings.
But the atmosphere is made even more authentic by having the furniture finished to measure.