Istinto "Next Level" (deel 7)

Back wall with effect can delight your customer

Not the most difficult, not the most expensive, but one of the most beloved special plaster of the moment, Istinto by Giorgio Graesan. The men of Quality Interior Art apply this product to the back walls of kitchens, buffets or cabinets. In 1 layer or 7 layers, full of relief.
You can make bamboo with it, or rough stone look. First the structure, then the colour, the marble effect and the water-resistant finish.

Istinto is pure nature but above all pure chic. Whatever color we put it on, it makes mouths fall open in admiration and people keep reaching out their hands to feel, to stroke, to experience.
Istinto is a plaster based on lime, marble powders of various sizes and natural minerals. Easy to apply, with excellent filling power and natural resistance to fungal and bacterial attack.

Would you like to know more about the possibilities and prices? Let us know at